RocksWriter, John Kemeny’s web site on all things rock mechanics:
This site is currently focused on the following two exciting things that will keep me very busy in 2024-25:
1) I have been selected to be the 2024-25 AEG/GSA Jahns Lecturer in Applied Geology, which involves presenting talks on applied geology to university and college undergraduate and graduate students, and applied geology professionals at AEG and GSA local chapters. A description of talks that I am currently putting together is given below. Click on the links below to see a description of each Jahns talk. The talk topics can be combined and new topics can be added. Please contact if you are interested in having me present to your school or organization.
2) I am currently focused on learning the latest and greatest AI innovations and methods, and applying those methods in some way to the rock mechanics and geotechnical fields. My particular emphasis is developing innovative characterization and monitoring technologies that can help combat the increased natural hazards due to climate change, particularly in underdeveloped communities and countries that need inexpensive and easy-to-install solutions. I have started an ongoing blog about these latest developments. Scroll down below the Jahns topics to see the AI-in-Geo blog that includes things my colleagues and I have done, things others have done, and things nobody has attempted yet (but someone should). Have fun with these ideas, and please comment.
Feel free to contact at [email protected]
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